
The Offset Project (TOP) is a nonprofit organization that relies on supporters like you to help fund our programming and growth. We welcome donations of any size. If you believe, as we do, that it is through grassroots initiatives and education that we will make an impact, please make your donation below:



Ongoing support makes us smile! To make a monthly pledge to support TOP’s work, please click “Subscribe” below and choose your monthly donation level:

Donation Options


TOP’s Monterey Bay Carbon Fund supports localized carbon emissions reduction and economic development programs that can be replicated throughout California and beyond. By putting renewable energy systems on local nonprofits and schools, TOP will help spur green collar jobs, reduce carbon emissions, create RECs that will be the basis of a local carbon economy and then close the loop for local promoters who can point to specific offsets for the energy consumed at their events.


To support TOP’s MBCF directly, please use the Carbon Offset button below:



Contact [email protected] directly to learn about the marketing benefits associated with making a major donation to TOP or joining our Founder’s Circle.